Object definitions
Baseline object definitions¶
We now move to the MyAnalysisName::ProcessEvent(AnalysisEvent *event)
method, starting with the baseline object definitions. Baseline objects are selected with relatively loose identification criteria and are used for resolving possible reconstruction ambiguities.
For each object type, there is a corresponding getter
method available from the TruthEvent
class. For example, in order to get electrons, we need to call
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This method returns an std::vector
of AnalysisObjects
, which are subclasses of TLorentzVector
with some convenience features.
Getters and setters
Have a look at TruthEvent.h
for a list of all object getter methods. As you would expect, you can get e.g. jets using virtual AnalysisObjects getJets(float ptCut, float etaCut, int btag);
As can be seen from the getElectrons()
method declaration, you can specify a p_\mathrm{T} as well as \eta requirement that should be applied to your electrons. In addition, you can specify the isolation and identification criteria. Looking at the AnalysisElectronID enum declared in AnalysisClass.h
, you can see which working points are available:
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Effects of object ID working points
Note that the choice of object ID does not have an effect when running on unsmeared truth. Only when smearing is enabled, or when running over reco-level xAODs do the different ID working points have an effect.
Since this example follows the 1Lbb analysis, we will use baseline electrons that have a p_\mathrm{T} > 7 GeV , \eta < 2.47 and are identified using the LooseAndBLayerLLH
, which corresponds to ELooseBLLH
in SimpleAnalysis.
Thus, in order to get the right electrons, we have to call:
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The procedure is very similar for muons, where we use the virtual AnalysisObjects getMuons(float ptCut, float etaCut, int isolation)
method. Baseline muons are required to have p_\mathrm{T} > 6 GeV , \eta < 2.70 and satisfy the Medium
identification criterion. Additionally, cosmic (MuNotCosmic
) and bad (MuQoPSignificance
) muons are vetoed. The longitudinal impact parameter relative to the PV is required to satsify |z0sinθ| < 0.5 mm (MuZ05mm
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Looking up available working points
For a list of all available working points, please consult the AnalysisMuonID enum in AnalysisClass.h
We'll use baseline jets where p_\mathrm{T} > 20 GeV and \eta < 4.50. By now, you probably know how this works, so I'll leave this uncommented:
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Missing transverse energy¶
Next, we will get the E_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{miss} with:
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MC event weights¶
In case we want to use it, we are also getting the MC event weights from the xAOD::Event
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MC weights, for filling into histograms, ntuple branches and computing acceptances. This behaviour can be changed through the command line.
Overlap removal¶
In order to resolve reconstruction ambiguities between electrons, muons and jets, an overlap removal procedure is applied on baseline objects. SimpleAnalysis allows easy overlap removal procedure through the AnalysisClass::overlapRemoval()
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AnalysisObjects &cands
candidates that pass the passID
criterion and do not overlap with any of the other AnalysisObjects &others
AnalysisObjects within a distance of float deltaR
Custom radius function
One can also pass a radius function to AnalysisClass::overlapRemoval()
instead of a fixed float deltaR
parameter. We will use this very soon.
Check your overlap removal, at least twice!
The following overlap removal procedure describes the default overlap removal that needs to be done in SimpleAnalysis when the analysis sticks to the default overlap removal procedure as defined in SUSYTools and the OverlapRemovalTool as of April 2020. This might be significantly different for your analysis, but it is still essential that you get this right when implementing your event selection into SimpleAnalysis.
Let's start by defining a variable cone size ΔR = min(0.4, 0.04 + 10 GeV/p_\mathrm{T}) that shrinks with increasing object p_\mathrm{T}:
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Applying constraints on selections
Note how we use the float passId
argument of the AnalysisClass::overlapRemoval()
method to only apply the overlap removal to jets that satisfy the condition.
b-tag aware overlap removal
Keep in mind that any overlap removal involving jets might actually do different things for light jets than for b-jets. Check your analysis implementation!
Check your overlap removal!
Check what has been implemented specifically for your analysis! Overlap removal is a topic that is often not properly (or correctly) documented, so you might have to dig through the actual configuration and code of the central tools that you are using.
Signal object definitions¶
After having defined our baseline as well as loose (which is just baseline after overlap removal) objects, it is time to define the actual signal objects that are used as physics objects in the rest of the event selection. Signal objects are a subset of the baseline objects with tighter quality requirements and are used to define the search regions. SimpleAnalysis offers an easy way to select a subset of AnalysisObjects
from another set of AnalysisObjects
by using the AnalysisClass::filterObjects()
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numbers of candidates AnalysisObjects& cands
that satisfy a p_\mathrm{T}, \eta and identification requirement.
Signal electrons have p_\mathrm{T} > 7 GeV, \eta < 2.47 and need to satisfy the TightLLH
in SimpleAnalysis) identification working point as well as the FCLoose
in SimpleAnalysis) isolation working point. The transverse impact parameter d_0 needs to satisfy \vert d_0 / \sigma(d_0)\vert < 5 (ED0Sigma5
). The longitudinal impact parameter relative to the PV is required to satsify z_0\sin\theta < 0.5 mm (EZ05mm
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Signal muons have p_\mathrm{T} > 6 GeV, \eta < 2.70. Additionally, they need to fulfil \vert d_0 / \sigma(d_0)\vert < 3 (MuD0Sigma3
) and z_0\sin\theta < 0.5 mm (MuZ05mm
). Signal muons also need to satisfy the FCLoose
isolation working point (MuIsoFixedCutLoose
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Since we have now construced signal leptons, let's define two useful variables for later:
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Signal jets need to fulfil p_\mathrm{T} > 30 GeV, \eta < 2.80. Jets with p_\mathrm{T} < 120 GeV need to be matched to the primary vertex by the Jet Vertex Tagger (JVT120Jet
). Jets containing b-hadrons are identified using the MV2c10 tagger, using the 77% efficiency working point (BTag77MV2c10
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Instead of using small-R jets, you can also get large-R jets by using the reclusterJets()
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package for the clustering algorithm. Here, the parameters are the input jet collection, the radius of the reclustered large-R jets, the p_\mathrm{T} threshold as well as the two reclustering/trimming parameteres defining the radius-parameter of subjets as well as the minimum p_\mathrm{T} fraction.
We have now initialised our regions of interest, defined our baseline objects, performed the overlap removal procedure and finally defined the actual physics objects that are being used in the following. Summarising this, your MyAnalysisName::ProcessEvent()
step should now look like this:
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