Slimmed Ntuple Format¶
The slimmed ntuples contain a simple ROOT tree containing the full information used by SimpleAnalysis.
This is fairly easy to create as for example done in the
script. The variables needed are listed
and explained in the table below. The most complicated variable is "id
" variable which is a 32-bit pattern used to
defined which particle identification criteria an object passes. The definition varies by object type and for the detailed list,
one needs to consult the AnalysisObject.h
header file.
Group | Variables | Description |
Electrons ("el_") | pt, eta, phi, charge, id, motherID | Momentum components, charge, id bit patttern, pdgId of parent particle |
Muons ("mu_") | pt, eta, phi, charge, id, motherID | as above |
Taus ("tau_") | pt, eta, phi, charge, id, motherID | as above |
Photons ("ph_") | pt, eta, phi, charge, id, motherID | as above |
B-hadrons ("bhadron_") | pt, eta, phi, charge, id, motherID | as above |
Jets ("jet_") | pt, eta, phi, m, id | anti-kt r=0.4 jet four momenta, id bit pattern. Charge and parent pdgID is not used |
Track jets "trackjet_") | pt, eta, phi, m, id, motherID | variable radius jet from charge particles only |
Large-R jets ("fatjet_") | pt, eta, phi, m, charge, id, motherID | Trimmed, anti-kt r=1.0 jets. Charge is used for D2*1e5 |
Etmiss ("met_") | pt, phi | Missing transverse momentum and its angle |
Hard-scatter truth ("HSTruth_") | pt, eta, phi, charge, m, id, motherID | Four momentum, charge and pdgId of SUSY particles, b/t quarks, W/Z/h bosons |
prodVx, prodVy, prodVx, decayVx, decayVy, decayVz | Production and decay vertex location | |
id1, x1, pdf1, id1, x1, pdf1, scale | pdgId of colliding partons, their momentum fraction, Q-scale and PDF value | |
other | sumet, genHT, genMET | Scalar sum of transverse momenta of all visible particles, jets, and invisible particles |
Event, eventWeight, mcWeights | Event number, default event weight and optionally alternative events weights from PDF variations | |
mcChannel, mcVetoCode, susyChannel | Internal ATLAS numbering |
Last update: February 24, 2022